- The logical problem defined
The logical problem of evil asserts that it is irrational and hence impossible to
believe in the existence of a good and powerful God on the basis of the existence of
evil in the world. It is usually posed in the form of a syllogism such as this:
A good God would want to destroy evil.
An all-powerful God would be able to destroy evil.
However, evil is not destroyed.
Therefore, such a good and all-powerful God cannot possibly exist.
The logical challenge contends that it is impossible to believe both in the existence
of evil and of a good and powerful God. If such a God exists, evil would not exist.
But if evil exists (and it does), such a God cannot possibly exist, for He would
certainly destroy such evil. David Hume stated the logical problem when He
inquired about God:
Is He willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is impotent. Is He able, but not
willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Whence then is evil?{1}
- Non-theistic responses to the logical problem
- Naturalism: there is no good and powerful God
The naturalist resolves the dilemma by negating God. But at what expense? The
naturalist must be prepared to live in a world without meaning, and in which
there is no hope that evil and suffering will ever be overcome.
- Pantheism: there is no evil
The pantheist resolves the dilemma by negating evil. But again, at what
expense? At the expense of all which our senses tell us--that evil is indeed real!
- Modified theism
Some theists attempt to resolve the dilemma by modifying our conception of
God. They contend that evil exists because God is incapable of overcoming it.
They see God's providence in a very limited sense.
As theists, we must accept both that there is a good and powerful God, and
that evil does indeed exist; but that this does not entail a logical contradiction.
- Key to the logical problem
The key to the resolution of this logical problem is to recognize that when we say
that God is "all-powerful" we are not saying that He can do anything whatsoever.
True, Scripture does say that "with God all things are possible" (Mt. 19:26). But it
also tells us there are some things God cannot do. For example, God cannot lie (Tit.
1:2). He cannot "deny Himself" or fail to keep his word (II Tim. 2:13). Neither can
God even be tempted to sin, nor tempt others to sin (James 1:13). So, there are
obvious exceptions to be understood when we say that God is "all-powerful" or
able to do all things. He obviously cannot do anything out of character for a
righteous God.
We can also say that it is impossible for God to do anything that is out of character
for a rational Being, for God certainly is rational. God cannot "undo the past," or
create a square circle, or make what is false true. He cannot do what is irrational or
absurd. This leads us to a consideration of the free will defense.
- The free will defense
It is on the basis of what we said above that we conclude that, although God
certainly is capable of destroying evil, it is impossible for Him to do so without
rendering it impossible for Him to accomplish purposes which are important to
Him. This is specifically true of his purpose to create beings in his own image, who
possess free will. But creatures who possess freedom are free not only to love God
but also to hate or ignore Him. Yet without free will we would be incapable of
entering into a personal relationship with Him. Human freedom is essential to
sustaining a personal relationship with God.
- The problem of natural evil
It is clear that it is impossible to destroy moral evil without destroying human
freedom. But what about natural evil? Here it is important to realize first that we
live in a fallen world, corrupted by sin, and that we are subject to natural disasters
and diseases that would not have occurred had we not rebelled against God (Rom.
8:20). Second, we must recognize that the natural order is also subject to the
actions of fallen angelic beings to some degree (cf. Job 1, book of Revelation). These
two facts make natural evil a product of moral evil.
But beyond this, it is difficult to imagine our existing as free beings in a world
much different than our own, in which natural processes allow us to predict with
some certainty the consequences of our actions. Natural processes such as gravity
which sometimes harm us, generally benefit us!
- Objections considered
- Couldn't God make free creatures who always love and obey Him?
It's difficult to conceive of how God could do this, while still preserving their
freedom. He could supernaturally change our desires, choices and actions. But
it seems clear that beings whose desires, choices and actions were so
controlled could not possibly be called "free" in any meaningful sense of` the
- Couldn't God miraculously intervene to prevent the evil consequences of
human actions, or at least prevent evil befalling those who follow his will?
Again, God certainly could do these things, but not without virtually
eliminating human freedom. First, if God only allowed evil to befall those
whose deeds made them deserving of it, human freedom would be seriously
compromised. People would turn to God simply to avoid suffering or to
experience the benefits of his blessing. But this is not a truly free choice. Also,
if God's miraculous intervention were to become such a common occurrence,
it's hard to see how anyone could possibly not believe in Him. But again, such
belief would not be a free expression of personal choice.
Thus, it seems clear that God could not destroy evil in these ways without also
destroying human freedom or the world in which free creatures can function.