Heather Zeiger led the morning devotional. Many of the students had stayed up into the wee hours of the night, enjoying their time with each other, and Friday was, um, "interesting" as a result. We appreciate the commitment and sacrifice of those who pulled themselves out of bed for the 8 a.m. devotional! |
The final morning worship: our Florida contingent. Kristen Collette, Austin Lynn, Ryan Lamb, Amy Lynn. |
Pat Zukeran taught both morning sessions: "Is Jesus the Only Savior?" and "World Religions." |
Sue Bohlin led an alumni session on Feminism. |
Amy Lynn and Ryan Russenberger play Wii. |
Kayla Woods and Daniel Zeiger get in some last minute cramming for the final reading session. Tynan Barlow peers over the chair from behind. He was already ready! |
Ray Bohlin's reading group explores a nasty review of the movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Required." Clockwise from Ray: Kristen Collette, Jonathan Lindstrom, Andrew Gordon, Alex Roell, and Austin Grey. |
Ashli Warford joins the "old guys" from Probe, Byron Barlowe, Pat Zukeran and Ray Bohlin on the volleyball pit. |
More volleyball. You can't see the inviting blue water of the pool right next to the volleyball pit, which promises a refreshing reward for all that hard play! |
The North Carolina cousins, Nicole WIllis and Tiffany Kellner, enjoy the pool. |
Kayla Woods and Austin Grey enjoy some Wii bowling before the banquet. |
"The girlz of Ozark Mind Games": Top row: Ashli Warford, Nicole WiIlis, Heather Zeiger, Grace Waldrop. Middle row: Tiffany Kellner, Amy Lynn, Sarah Waldrop, Bekah Davis. Bottom row: Kayla Woods, Kristen Collette, Katelyn Rackley. |
Our group picture. This was one of the most amazing groups of teachable, sweet-natured students ever. We don't know what made the difference, but it was a huge blessing for everyone. |
Austin Lynn, Ryan Lamb, Josh Rackley, Alex Roell. |
Lots of picture taking, and some mugging. Todd Kappelman loves this part of Mind Games to see how many photos he can crash in the last second. |
In the evening session, the Probe instructors sat as a panel for a final Q & A time. Each of the teachers had a tough question based on our lectures, and the prize was any book on the book table. |
People WANTED a free book! We saw lots of hands for every question. |
Then it was time for our Friday Night Talent Show. Jon Davis is in a band, and he hooked up his iPod to the speaker to play a song they'd recorded. It would have been great if he'd played the air guitar while we listened. Kind of like lip synching. . .? |
Kayla Woody, a gifted interpreter for the deaf, signed to a song. |
Austin Grey juggled and mimed and portrayed a ventriloquist. |
Dana Smith, an Ozark staffer who was also a Mind Games aluma from last year, sang a song. |
Daniel Zeiger juggled while reciting a poem. |
The Minnesatians Plus 2 sang a Sesame Street song. Nate Peterson accompanied while we listened to Tom Schultz, Nicole Willis, Ashli Warford and Jonathan Lindstrom sing "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon." |
The Rackley twins (not identical!) showed their musical talent as Josh accompanied Katelyn as she sang. |
Then Josh (a.k.a. Bon Jovi) performed a guitar solo. |
Tiffany Kellner sang "Jesus Take the Wheel." |