See how wide awake and ready for the day we are? And this is before coffee, even! This picture was taken at the end of Sue Bohlin's morning devotional, moments before pouring into the dining room for breakfast. |
For the first time in the 15-year history of Mind Games, we had a baby around! Tarron Lewis was about 5 months old, the son of camp/program director Tim Lewis and his wife Yaffah, who was the director last year. The students were always glad to see Yaffah and Tarron because she brought candy to put out on the tables during the teaching sessions. |
Sue Bohlin's lecture on homosexuality becomes more practical every year as more and more students need to hear her experience and perspective to deal with this issue. |
Todd Kappelman's reading group discusses a Tolstoy short story, "The Death of Ivan Ilych." To his right is long-time-ago Mind Games alum Tim Jackson, then Josh Rackley, Nicole Willis, and Nate Peterson. |
Yesterday's time on the high ropes course was cut short by lightning and thunder, but a number were able to finish today. Kayla Woody is having a great time at the top of the rope ladder getting into the trees! |
Austin Grey takes off on the zip line. |
Ryan Russelberger had a great time zipping along at the end of the ropes course! |
Tiffany Kellner enjoys the beginning of the ropes course. |
Nicole Willis shows off her athleticism--that's the way it's done! |
Josh Rackley on the zip line, letting his forehead and eyes show for quite possibly the first time all week! |
Pat Zukeran got up and showed that his strength is not only in apologetics! |