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Ozark Mind Games 2005 Report: Thursday



For the morning new students session, Ray Bohlin speaks about the “Three Christian Views of Science and Earth History.” He presented arguments for all three of the views, and explained why Probe doesn't take a position on the age of the earth (because the evidence currently available is contradictory and confusing; we live with the mystery when it comes to the age of the earth and the universe).



Lydia Arrington and Brian Lange takes notes while listening to Ray speak.



One of the rules of the camp is if you lose an item you will have to sing for it at lunch. Ray misplaced both his Bible and his hat. As a result he had to sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider."



Bek Davis and K.C. Vetter listen during Sue Bohlin’s reading session on the article “Unapologetically Christian. Unapologetically Lesbian.”



Evan Beauchamp looks through his readings to prepare for Ray Bohlin’s reading session on “Master Planned.”



After the reading section, all the students gathered together to discuss “Return to Modesty.” The guys brought up specifics about what constitutes immodest dress and behavior from a guy's perspective, and the girls gave suggestions to the guys.



Erin Singleton, K.C. Vetter, Madison Holets, and Tyler Bennett speak with Bek Davis and Keb Ramey (on the couch) during break.



Pat Zukeran, Whit Buck, Brian Lange, and Michael Holets are excited to figure out the puzzle to find the treasure during the afternoon activities.



Some of the students played “Ultimate Frisbee” during the break. Here Stephen Baker looks for someone to throw the frisbee to.



Emily O’Neil’s family from Texas dropped by to visit Emily. They were just passing through the area but Emily was so excited that they could come by and have dinner.



During dinner the Ozark staff arranged an international night. The night turned out to be a lesson about the disparity in wealth all around the world. During the activity, the Uganda table, Kathryn Jones, Stephen Baker, Tyler Bennett, Ryan Jones, and Nick Peterson, were only given potatoes to eat and no chairs to sit on.



The India table, Kris Griffith, Evan Beauchamp, Heather Frey, Shelly Nething, Lauren Smith, David Robison, Jared Clayton, and Ray Bohlin, are only provided with onions for dinner.



The U.S.A. table, Josh Rowley, Sue Bohlin, Brian Lange, Rachel Smoot, Josh Looney, Britney Bearden, Lydia Arrington, and Whit Buck, have a lavish meal of ribs, sausage, corn, bread, and salad. The U.S.A. is the richest country in the world.



The Haiti table, Chris McNeese, Danielle Kouri, Seth O’Neil, Kelly O’Neil, and Madison Holets have to sit on cardboard on the floor. There was no food for them. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.



The China table is presented with only rice on wax paper. Emily O’Neil demonstrates her skill with chopsticks as Holly Porter watches. After the 10 minute activity, the staff presented all the students with the same food the U.S.A. table was eating.



Pat Zukeran teaches the alumni evening session on Miracles. The students learned the basic arguments against miracles and how to refute them.

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